Monday, February 06, 2012

CBR Review: Men of War #6

I recently reviewed Men of War #6 for CBR and, in the process, wrote the following sentences: "The opening (and only multi-issue) story arc of Men of War comes to a close as writer Ivan Brandon departs the series. After two standalone issues, the series ends only to be replaced by G.I. Combat and it’s a wonder why it doesn’t simply end with this issue. The story focusing on Sgt. Rock and his detail’s mission-gone-wrong reaches a satisfying and appropriate conclusion here. When the ‘New 52’ launched, Men of War stood out as one of the few different comics in a sea of superheroes; it has shown itself to be complex and subtle in the story it has told. Fans of Brandon’s work on Doc Savage or Nemesis won’t be surprised by what he does in this book or the way that he does it."

You can read the rest HERE!