Sunday, November 27, 2011

CBR Review: Secret Avengers #19

I recently reviewed Secret Avengers #19 for CBR and, in the process, wrote the following sentences: "In one of those ‘only in the Marvel Universe’ Eastern European countries that border Latveria, Steve Rogers and three of his Secret Avengers take down a local mobster with what appears to be a super-soldier serum for sale. They need to do it before the Shadow Council buys it and, to make things easier for them, all of the mobster’s men have used the serum. The premise is very simple and Ellis twists it as much as he can, right down to how the criminals get their superpowers and emphasizing that these are not the regular ‘superhero comic villains.’ If you’ve wanted to see Moon Knight purchase the services of a prostitute to maintain his cover, well, Ellis is more than happy to oblige you."

You can read the rest HERE!